Explain the different types of Network:

The different types of Networks are as follows-

  1. Local Area Network (LAN)
  2. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
  3. Wide Area Network (WAN)
  4. Personal Area Network (PAN)
What is a Local Area Network (LAN):

The Local Area Network (LAN) refers to the kind of network that connects digital devices within a limited geographic area, i.e., a building. The devices get connected using the cables and wires for data transmission. The devices in the LAN network get connected using multiple protocols to exchange data and services.

What are the attributes of LAN:
The key attributes of LAN (Local Area Network) are as follows-
  1. LANs are designed to cover a short geographical area for information and data transmission.
  2. LANs enable fast communication and data transmission with the networks.
  3. LANs are owned by private entities.
  4. LANs are reliable and easy to maintain.
  5. LANs provide low latency by increasing the speed of data exchange.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of LAN:

The advantages of LAN (Local Area Network) are as follows-
  1. LAN prevents duplication of data and information shared on a network.
  2. LAN offers high-speed data transfer.
  3. LAN enhances data security by implementing centralized access controls.
  4. LAN networks are easy to monitor and maintain.
  5. LANs facilitate quick and direct communication between devices.

The disadvantages of LAN (Local Area Network) are as follows-
  1. LAN covers a limited geographical area.
  2. The cost of setting up LAN infrastructure is high.
  3. Multiple users on the LAN can lead to network congestion and reduce performance.
  4. Complex LAN setup can lead to inefficiency of network usage.
  5. LANs relying on wired connections are vulnerable to physical damage.

What is a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN):

The Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) refers to the kind of network that connects digital devices within a larger geographic area than a Local Area Network (LAN) but smaller than a Wide Area Network (WAN), i.e., a city or a region. MANs provide high-speed connectivity and efficient data transmission between local networks. MANs are connected using wires, i.e., data cables.

What are the attributes of MAN?

The key attributes of MAN (Wide Area Network) are as follows-
  1. MANs cover a larger geographic area than Local Area Networks (LANs) but smaller than Wide Area Networks (WANs).
  2. MANs provide high-speed data transmission within the metropolitan area.
  3. MANs use various communication technologies, including fibre optics, Ethernet, and wireless connections.
  4. MANs are scalable networks.
  5. MANs offer a cost-effective solution for organizations.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of MAN?

The advantages of MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) are as follows-
  1. MANs provide efficient and high-speed connectivity.
  2. MANs provide moderate latency for effective data transfer.
  3. MANs ensure network reliability.
  4. MANs comprise fibre optics and wireless connections.
  5. MANs provide flexibility to meet connectivity requirements.
The disadvantages of MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) are as follows-
  1. MANs cover a limited geographical area.
  2. Designing and implementing a MAN is complex.
  3. MANs are susceptible to security concerns.
  4. Managing and maintaining a MAN involves dealing with diverse technologies.
  5. MANs add complexity to network management and operations.

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